Friday, September 25, 2009


Dad's eyes were brighter today. We told him about all the well wishes we've received via emails and this blog for the many requests he received for car repair advice and services!

Good thing I have not let out the word that Dad also fixed my refridgerator in mid-July - I had to send away the delivery guys who brought the new fridge I ordered! He actually established a commercial account with some manufacturer company to get the necessary parts for my GE fridge.

He also fixed my washing machine 3 weeks ago - he figured out and fixed the problem with the timing switch in less than 5 min. Of course this was after I had spent 3 hrs on the internet trying to figure it out on my own. Good thing there was no penalty for cancelling the service repair people I had scheduled to come out....I always feel bad that Dad's wish for repayment was "just make sure you get enough sleep".

The nurses have done a great job with keeping Dad looking handsome and skin moisterized - I also suspect someone trimmed a few of his flyaway gray hairs on his balding head. Only today by looking at him so closely did I realize that Dad has no wrinkles - I hope I got that gene.


  1. Just wanting to say goodmorning and my hope for another peaceful day of recovery. The love in your and Kelly's words for your father, and his for his whole family, comes through so strongly, even in this electronic medium. You are all so lucky and so blessed.

  2. Please tell Uncle Matt that we still have to revisit that wonderful fry chicken shop near your Dearborn house. He took me there when I was an intern at Ford. Don’t tell Aunt Becky about our little secret, however, as the fry chicken is not exactly a healthy living/diet :-P

  3. Hi Caroline and Kelly,

    Thanks for keeping us informed daily. We're glad Uncle Matthew is looking better each day.

    Seriously, the Huang gene is something else huh? I could hardly keep up with Uncle Steve in Taiwan (and my sister says the same thing). He is, at age 75, in way better shape than I am. He's invited my hubs to do a road/mountain bike tour of Taiwan next month (1100 km). I think Mike is intimidated...

    Your dad, of course, is like BananaGrandpa (BG)... just soooo smart. Shh, don't tell, but BG did a lot of my school projects for me and my sisters (build a boat, sew a flag, etc.). I so miss him. Your dad's ingenuity and resourcefulness remind me of BG.

    Sending lots of love,
