Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day #3 Wed, Sept 23, 2009

Some brighter news this morning.

Dad's atrial fibrillation rhythm converted back to a normal heart rhythm this morning which has greatly helped his blood pressure. He is been able to go down on 1 of the 2 pressor medications and is completely off the neo-synephrine! He is still requiring levophed at 20mcg/min - but this is certainly progress.

Dad has received his 3rd platelet transfusion this morning - unfortunately his platelet count did not go up - so another specialist from Hematology- will be added to Dad's team to evaluate and assist with this management. So far - he does not show signs or symptoms of bleeding problems.

Right now - it's a waiting period to see how things progress. We are cautiously optimistic. If there is one thing we know - Dad never gives up and will certainly put up his best fight. thanks for all the well wishes we've received - although we may not get a chance to respond - do know that it helps so much.


  1. Caroline,

    Thanks for keeping us updated. Our prayers are with Uncle Matthew and your family. You are in our thoughts.

    Your dad is a fighter. I remember visiting him 3 yrs ago in Dearborn and he was telling us about all his adventures.

    Much love,
    Amy, Mike, Liam and Lukas

  2. So good to have positive news. We are with you in our hearts.

    Cynthia and family
