Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day #4 - Sept 24

If you're wondering why this post is written so poorly, it's Kelly posting from a non-physician point of view! Dad's condition is stable, he made big improvements yesterday so we remain "cautiously optimistic" (good news but I am starting to really dislike that term). His pressors are way down -- only on one drug now -- and his ventilator support is at 60 percent -- which means he is breathing more on his own. We are still waiting for dad to respond to us and have been chatting with him and playing music. I told him this morning that David needs help with his Ford Explorer and that Mr. Cherng got his dishwasher working again. Thank you so much for the love, support, and prayers, really means the world to all of us -- especially mom.


  1. As long as he is taking fix-it requests, a few weeks ago I accidentally tore the handle off the trunk of our Honda Odyssey with the garage door (didn't pull in far enough). I dont suppose he could help, even if it is a Honda?

    thinking of you all with love,

  2. We are continuing to pray for Uncle Matthew and you guys as you care for him.

    I dislike "cautiously optimistic" too... and hope we can drop the "cautiously" part soon!

    Love you,
    Amy, Mike, Liam and Lukas

    PS -- Please tell Uncle Matthew I'm ready to talk Ford's Ecoboost system whenever he's ready! (from one car-nerd to another!)

  3. Maitreya and I hope that Uncle Matthew's condition continues to improve! We're thinking about all of you here in sunny (yes, really) Seattle...

  4. Could you also let Uncle Matthew know that the front driver side headlight is out on my VW Jetta and I need new brakes? (I know, European cars are a pain in the butt.) I figured if Cynthia is also putting in her requests, I will too. =)

    I'll pay him for both labor and parts in dim sum dollars.

    Thinking of y'all! =)

  5. I worked with Mathew for years at the Automotive Safety Office. I have the highest respect for him. He is one of the smartest people I have ever met, and I always wished to be as smart as he is. I use to go to his office just to talk with him about his program codes for the airbag sensor.
    I hope his condition will continue to improve and I will continue to pray for him and your whole family. Mona Abdelall
