Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day #3 - Sept 23 PM update

Dr. Thomas Butler (hematology) saw Dad today - feels confident that the low platelets are a result of the overwhelming sepsis (infection) that Dad has endured. As the sepsis improves - so should his platelet count. Meanwhile - will continue with the platelet transfusions to keep him out of the dangerously low level (especially since he is on Xigris medication - which can make him more prone to bleeding). He has ordered other tests to ensure it is not related to something else (i.e. thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia).

The good news is that his bone marrow is responding and now his white count is very high (WBC 22K) - which is a more appropriate immune response to the sepsis.

The levophed pressor medication dose is even lower...12 mcg/min - and Dad's BP (blood pressure) is holding which is great!

We will continue with all his treatments - mechanical ventiltion for his lungs, continuous dialysis for his kidneys, antibiotics, Xigris, Calcium, Bicarbonate, and amiodarone infusions. Dad is even tolerating nutrition tube feedings which started late yesterday - and has been gradually increased.

Our nurse Mickey (the best nurse ever - he trained me when I was an internal medicine resident) tried to stimulate Dad for a response today - not much but maybe some basic reflexes - (eye flickering when Dad was turned or gagging when they suctioned the back of his throat). Mickey had a great impact on our mood today - especially on mom with his sense of humor and compassion. We are so lucky to have the excellent physician and nursing care that is being provided to Dad. (Mickey performed CPR on one of my friends who was severely ill and had a cardiac arrest - helped save his life with his monster-effective chest compressions - we will never forget him for that.)

Meanwhile - we brought in a portable CD player to play Dad's favorite music for him. He heard a little Iz (Somewhere over the Rainbow), other Hawaiian music that we played at Kelly's wedding, and a Johnny Cash album. Unfortunately we couldn't get his MP3 Chinese folk songs that he loves so much to play on the CD player.

Nurse Carol Marsh is on again tonight taking care of Dad - which makes me feel good. She was the one that took care of Dad the first night he came well as last night during which she gave him a nice shave!

We will reassess again - taking Dad's condition one hour at a time...


  1. Hi, Caroline,

    Thank you for posting your father's recovery condition. We will visit the blog frequently to get updated. We will definitely keep him in our prayers.

    We all know that your father is a strong fighter. He will get through this challenge as he always does.

    Please give our love and warm wishes to your parents. Let us know if there is anything we can help with.

    May God's blessing be with you and your family.

    John and Ing-Fei Cherng, and Family.

    P.S. I just fixed the dishwasher in our kitchen using the information provided by your father. I was going to call him to tell him the good news. (John)

  2. Dear Caroline,

    Thank you for the day to day update. You are in our prayer. Uncle Matt is a tough guy and please tell him that he needs to get well soon so he can help me find out what is causing that clonking noise coming out from my Ford Explorer; I love work on car with him. :-) (David)
