Thursday, September 24, 2009


I just realized when you google Matthew Huang - his book comes up in the automatic google search function. I'll have to tell dad later today. I think that is pretty neat.


  1. And I have brag and say I have an autographed first edition! :D

  2. That is pretty neat! One day, I hope I have enough worthwhile things to say to fill a book. So far, that doesn't seem likely. :)

    He's an amazing person.

    Randomly, I don't get the "select profile" thing. I always choose name/url and give my work webpage, but how come it wont just let me give my name?

  3. Too funny, I have come across the book many times, googling different crash terms. Keep up the good work Caroline and Kelly, you are doing a great job dealing with this challenge, your family will be very proud. Anne Purtell

  4. wow :) hehehe....i never knew he had a book :D anyways thinking of you guys and keeping you all in my prayers :)
