Friday, September 25, 2009

Sept 25, 2009

Thanks everyone for your love, support, and prayers that have been pouring in everyday. Know that every single wish, thought, prayer, text message, and email has helped our mom and us so greatly.

After a courageous struggle, Dad passed away peacefully today at 2:37pm with all of us at his side. We take comfort knowing that Dad had accomplished so much of what he set out to do, and touched so many lives.

We enjoyed so many of the stories that were shared with us - which we also shared with Dad. We're sure he is smiling down on us now playing his harmonica with his father.

We are tentatively planning a celebration of his life the weekend of October 11th in Michigan.

Love, Caroline and Kelly Huang


  1. No coherent thoughts right now. I am so, so sorry. Thinking of you and your family.

    Amy, Mike, Liam, Lukas

  2. Dear Becky, Caroline, Kelly, and other family members,

    We are saddened to hear that your beloved husband/father just passed away this afternoon. Please accept our deepest sympathy and condolence. You are in our prayer and thoughts.

    On January 20, 2007, Matthew came to my retirement party, during which we performed a showcase of east coast swing dance to a Chinese folk song to entertain guests. Matthew enjoyed the music so much, and asked me if I had the title of this piece of Chinese music. I did burn a CD for him as a token to his collection of Chinese folk songs. He might have played this song with his favorite harmonica.

    Matthew was an extraordinarily outstanding automotive safety engineer. He published a book entitled “Vehicle Crash Mechanics” in 2002, just around the time he was retiring. I was honored to be asked by Matthew to review the manuscript. So I read it from cover to cover of this excellent book, which sheds light on the complex subject of vehicle crashes and applications to crashworthiness of transportation systems. He gave me an autographed copy with a singed note “Given to my good and treasured friend, Dr. Clifford Chou”. I treasured it so much, and frequently open it when I need references up to now. I have learned a lot form his book. Up to date, Matthew’s book is the only reference publication available dealing with the primary essence of vehicle crash analysis through analytical models, experiment approaches, and crash data analysis. Currently, I am teaching a graduate course on automotive safety, and use Matthew’s masterpiece as a course reference book. His vast knowledge and experience instilled into this book helps in educating the next generation of young automotive engineers forever. This is one of his significant accomplishments in his life time. In remembering Matthew, I shall announce this sad news to my students in my class next Monday. Although Matthew is physically no longer with us, his words of technical wisdom and his everlasting spirit in auto-safety will keep inspiring youngsters to follow his steps in continuous improving of occupant safety in automobiles.

    May Matthew rest in peace and May God bless you all.

    Cliff and Chu-Hwei Chou

  3. Dear Becky, Caroline, and Kelly,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. We are sorry for your loss.

    Ban & Alice Lai

  4. Caroline and Kelly,
    I'm so sad for you. But it is true, your father had a good life. He wrote his book, gave both his daughters away, and saw his grandchildren being born.

    Julia and I prayed for Collin's grandfather. Tonight we prayed that he'd watch over his family from heaven.

  5. Caroline, Kelly and Mrs. Huang,

    I am so sorry and deeply saddened to hear of the early passing of your amazing father and husband. My favorite memory is of him singing at Caroline's wedding. It brought a tear to my eye then and now. Please know that I am thinking of all of you. I see so much of my family in yours. WIth immigrant parents succesfully raising two daughters in the U.S. All of whom have moved to NoVA. Watching grandchildren born and enjoying retirement. Our families share many memories together and I hold your family near and dear to my heart.
    All my best and lots of love,
    Sandy Abdelall-Ibrahim

  6. Dear Becky and Caroline, Kelly,

    We are so saddened to hear about the passing away of Matthew. We will miss a very kind and generous treasured friend. He will be in our memory forever.

    Apostle Paul had said in II Timothy, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept my faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” Chapter 4, 7-8. These verses are the exact description of Matthew. We are saddened for his leave, but we shall all applaud for him who has finished a victory journey.

    Please keep us informed on the service arrangement in Michigan. We will definitely want to be in the ceremony. In the mean time, please do not hesitate to let us know, if there is anything that we can do.

    May God be with your family,

    John, Ing-Fei and Cherng family.

  7. It is hard to believe Uncle Matt is gone. With all his battles and triumphs, I believe he can finally find peace and freedom in God’s Kingdom where he can fly freely as he always want to.

    We engineers tend to see the world in different perspective (the nerdy way :-) ) and Uncle Matt is my nerdy uncle but despite his physical limitation, he still looks after his children’s well being. In that aspect, he is the “stud”. Coin the phrase in our generation, “He is the man!”

    I miss you, Uncle Matt…
